Proceedings Joint Convention IATMI Annual Convention and Exhibiton (The 32nd HAGI, The 36th IAGI, and The 29th IATMI, 2007 November 13-16: Bali)

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Kota Terbit : Bali

Tahun Terbit : 2007

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Tanggal Edit Data : 2021-04-14

Tanggal Penginputan Data : 2021-04-14

No. Info
1. 3D linier inversion analysis on time-lapse microgravity data in Kamojang geothermal field

Oleh: A. Zaenudin;H. Asy’ari;W.G.A Kadir;D. Santoso;D. Dahrin

Abstraksi : Gravity inversion problem is a density distribution determination in subsurface from a number gravity measurements on the surface. Some of the inversion solution method conducted, one of them is linier inversion. Inversion solution tested to knowing, how the solution obtained approximated initial ...

2. Alteration and mineralization of ancient caldera in cupunagara, Subang, West Java

Oleh: H. Utoyo

Abstraksi : The study area which is an ancient caldera of Cupunagara, northern part of Bandung, belong to Subang district, West Java Province. This area coverages arround 60 km2, between 650 to 1200 m above sea level. The morfology of this area is an ancient caldera, with steep wall, young degree of erotion ...

3. Analisis anomali gayaberat mikro antar waktu ntk prediksi perubahan muk air tanah dan amblesan studi kasus di pantai marina - Semarang dan sekitarnya

Oleh: Supriyadi;Wawan Gunawan;Sarkowi;Kamalullah

Abstraksi : The research of time lapse microgravity at Marina beach and its surroundings area had been conducted. It aimed to predict the change of groundwater level and subsidence. There had been three times of research in June 2004, February 2005 and November 2005. It used gravimeter of LaCoste & ...

4. Analisis fraktal geometri kurva garis pantai di pulau Jawa bagian Selatan dan hubungannya dengan intensitas dampak tsunami

Oleh: T. Listyani R.A.;Ag. Isjudarto;Sari B. Kusumayudha;Heru Sigit Purwanto

Abstraksi : Bencana alam gempa bumi sering terjadi di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini. Bencana alam geologi ini kadang kala diikuti dengan tsunami. Bencana tsunami ini juga melanda beberapa tempat di sepanjang pantai selatan Pulau Jawa, misalnya di pantai Pangandaran – Cilacap dan sekitarnya. Hal ini mendorong ...

5. Analisis multifraktal dengan wavelet multiskala untuk pemetaan struktur bawah permukaan (studi kasus: data well-log)

Oleh: Sungkono

Abstraksi : Penelitian ini memaparkan penentuan batas lapisan dan citra sedimentasi bawah permukaan dengan data well-log (Sonic, Rhob, Nphi). Secara umum data well-log mempunyai besaran fariabel fisis (dalam satu fariabel) yang berbeda nilai pada setiap pelapisan; namun perbedaannya tidak selalu besar. ...

6. Analisis paleocurrent dan orientasi channel top formasi menggala untuk penentuan zona kompartemen prospek reservoar hidrokarbon berdasar data core dan wirelone log (log fmi dan log standar) lapangan ruby cekungan Sumatera Tengah

Oleh: Mill Sartika Indah

Abstraksi : Lapangan Ruby merupakan salah satu sub.cekungan di Cekungan Sumatera Tengah, memiliki perangkap hidrokarbon berupa antiklin dan jalur migrasi berupa jalur patahan seperti sesar geser menganan (dextral wrenching fault). Tahap eksplorasi dimulai tahun 1964 lalu dibor oleh sumur Ruby-1 tahun ...

7. Analisis velocity model building pada pre stack depth migration untuk mencitrakan struktur bawah permukaan yang sebenarnya

Oleh: Yose Rizal Triarto;Hernowo Danusaputro;Bambang Mujihardi

Abstraksi : Telah dilakukan penelitian pada Line KPH-11807 daerah ”X” dengan metode Pre Stack Depth Migration untuk data seismik refleksi 2D. Metode ini dipilih agar dapat menggambarkan struktur bawah permukaan yang sebenarnya. Karena berdasarkan penelitian yang pernah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober ...

8. Anlyse the potency landslide base on the thick of top soil and rock basement with the magnetic and resistivity methods

Oleh: Widia Marsanti;Syamsurijal Rasimeng

Abstraksi : Have been done research on landslide potencial area along the province-road in Sumberjaya, West Lampung used magnetic and resistivity methods to estimate basement depth and layers thicknes also kind of rock. Both methods can find a rock layer that has sliding potencial. Magnetic measurement was ...

9. Analysis seismic attribute E1 and E2 sand to identify hydrocarbon in echo malacca strait field

Oleh: Eko Ari Prihantono;Wahyu Dwi Purnomo;M Irham N;Imam Suripto Suyanto

Abstraksi : Based on 3D sismic survey oil has been found in the sand stone reservoir of the Echo field malacca strait area. For eservoir management purose, the hydrocarbon discovery in this area should be follow by reservoir evaluation activities. Seismik attribute and log propoerties data has been used to ...

10. Awan gempa (Eartquake cloud)

Oleh: Kabul Basah Suryolelono

Abstraksi : Awan gempa akhir-akhir ini sering muncul di angkasa, dan menurut BMG (Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika) merupakan awan Cirrus yang sering muncul di musim kemarau. Awan ini merupakan akumulasi awan yang terjadinya pada ketinggian yang sangat besar, namun di tahun-tahun yang lalu jarang dijumpai ...

11. Banchmarking of the exploration and production knowledge management

Oleh: Prajuto

Abstraksi : Knowledge Management (KM) implementation in Medco E&P operation has been big challenge, especially to achieve the future Companywide Knowledge Culture. The program was initiated from data management as well as the operation focused activities as needed by the business. The journey of data as well ...

12. Benthic foraminifera as indicator of recent tsunami-deposit sources at Pangandaran coast, Ciamis and Parangendog coast, Yogyakarta

Oleh: Ngisomuddin;Akmaluddin;Hendra Amijaya

Abstraksi : The tsunami wave transports and deposits sediments with various composition landward. Benthic foraminifera is one of organism which is transported and deposited as tsunami deposit on the coast. Recent tsunami which occurred in Indian Ocean on July 17th , 2006 had swept most of the south coast ...

13. Characteristic and the occurrence of coal deposits in neogene mandar formation of West Sulawesi province

Oleh: Sufriadin;Asri Jaya H.S;A.M. Imran

Abstraksi : The investigation about coal deposits in Polman Regency of West Sulawesi Province has been conducted with the aim to characterize and to make a better understanding its occurrence in sedimentary sequence of Mandar Formation. Characterization of some coal samples were mainly for their ...

14. Characteristics of hydrothermal alteration in sikidang block of dieng geothermal field and their implications on its reservoir

Oleh: A. A. Calibugan;N. H. Wibowo;A. Harijoko;D. Wintolo;M. R. B. Tarriela;T. Silitonga

Abstraksi : The Dieng geothermal field is the only developed geothermal area in Central Java. It is comprised of three prospect areas namely, Sileri, Sikidang and Pakuwaja blocks. The Sikidang block, which is situated at the central portion of field, has a reported power potential of ~175 MW (Boedihardi, ...

15. Characteristics of selected Sumateran tertiary coals regarding their petrographic analyses

Oleh: Bukin Daulay;Binarko Santoso

Abstraksi : Type and rank variation of selected Sumateran (Ombilin and Bukit Asam) Tertiary coals were assessed by petrographic examination of 170 samples. The coals are dominated by vitrinite, common liptinite and rare inertinite and mineral matter. Vitrinite macerals are dominated by detrovitrinite and ...

16. Characterization and experimentation of indirect carbonization to kotabangun coal, Tenggarong, East Kalimantan

Oleh: M. Ulum A.Gani

Abstraksi : Characterization and experimentation had been carried out to Kotabangun coal, Tenggarong, East Kalimantan. Characterization is performed by some analysis comprising of Proximate analysis (moisture content, volatile matter, ash content, and fixed carbon), Ultimate analysis (the constituent of ...

17. Deliniation of prospest area and reservoir structures of jaboi geothermal area as mapped from resistivity data

Oleh: Edi Suhanto;Kasbani

Abstraksi : Jaboi geothermal area, located in the southern part of Weh Island, is one of the most interesting geothermal areas in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Surface thermal features in the Jaboi area consist of fumarolas, solfataras, hot grounds, hot springs, and ground alterations. We conducted dc ...

18. Eor monitoring effectivity using time lapse microgravity

Oleh: Muh Sarkowi

Abstraksi : The time lapse microgravity is a development of the 3D gravity method which is conducted by repeated measurements of gravity with a certain time interval. The time lapse microgravity method are success to monitored groundwater level change, volcanic activity, subsidence, gas or oil production ...

19. Facies dan petrografi batubara formasi naggulan daerah Kalisongo, kecamatan Girimulyo, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Oleh: Mahap Maha;Basuki Rahmad;Herie Widiyanto

Abstraksi : Formasi Nanggulan merupakan formasi pembawa batubara, terdiri dari litologi batupasir, batupasir konglomeratan dan batulempung sisipan batubara. Ketebalan batubaranya 0,53 meter, termasuk peringkat batubara lignit. Fosil golongan Moluska yang dijumpai Gastropoda dan Pelecypoda, fosil ...

20. Fasies estuarin dan karakteristik batupasir formasi jaten daerah tulakan kabupaten Pacitan Propinsi Jawa Timur

Oleh: Purnama Ari.S;Rahman Aliah

Abstraksi : Formasi Jaten terdiri dari litologi batupasir kuarsa, batulempung, betulempung karbonan, batubara dan sisipan tipis batupasir gampingan. Ketebalan total dari Formasi Jaten mencapai 142 meter. Fosil golongan Moluska yang dijumpai Gastropoda dan Pelecypoda, fosil foraminifera bentik kecil yang ...

21. Gelombang elektroseismik, pengambilan dan pengolahan datanya (studi kasus daerah geger kalong hilir)

Oleh: Alamta Singarimbun;Adhitya Sumardi S;Wahyu Srigutomo;Harry Mahardika

Abstraksi : Metode elektroseismik merupakan metode yang relatif baru dalam eksplorasi kebumian. Metode ini menggabungkan prinsip dua metode yang sudah ada, yaitu metode seismik dan metode elektromagnetik. Pada prinsipnya, metode elektroseismik mengukur medan listrik yang ditimbulkan oleh adanya ...

22. Geologi, alterasi hidrotermal dan mineralisasi pada endapan emas daerah kapur-natas, Kecamatan Siasis, Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, Sumatra Utara

Oleh: Benny Alizar Amin Pulungan;Arifudin Idrus;Anastasia Dewi Titisari;Janjan Hertrijana

Abstraksi : Pemetaan geologi menunjukan litologi daerah penelitian meliputi 6 satuan, dari yang tertua ke yang termuda meliputi (1) satuan batupasir-batulempung berlapis, (2) satuan andesit, (3) satuan breksi volkanik, (4) satuan monzonit, (5) satuan dasit dan (6) satuan endapan aluvial. Struktur geologi ...

23. Geology and alteration-mineralization characteristics of timbaan epithermal gold deposit in South Olok, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Oleh: Arif Zardi Dahlius;Alison Purba;Hendro Wibowo

Abstraksi : Gold exploration is carried out at Timbaan block in South Solok Regency, West Sumatera, Indonesia. Geological, geochemical and geophysical surveys are conducted at the surface to locate the prospective gold occurrences in this area. Mineralization in the area consists of mainly gold with ...

24. Geopotency prospect of blambangan peninsula as supporter for conservation development in alas purwo national park, East Java

Oleh: Riki Suputra;Hatma Suryatmojo;Srijono

Abstraksi : Blambangan Peninsula, East Java, known as Karst Blambangan, come within in Alas Purwo National Park which conservated. Karst area is very potential on natural resources, but it is also a susceptible ecosystem. Besides Geopotency as a resources and also a kind of possible disaster (hazard) ...

25. Geopotential conservation of jirak river basin as a gunung sewu karst conservation development model at South Yogyakarta

Oleh: Srijono;Dwikorita Karnawati;Kirbani Sri Brotopuspito;Bambang Hendro Sunarminto;Dulbahri

Abstraksi : Jirak river basin is a part of Wonosari Basin physiography and Gunung Sewu Karst at South Yogyakarta. Drainage types of surface drainage change into subsurface drainage. Mining and residential development areas are indication of the area function changing. The research objectives are to ...

26. Gondwanan palynomorphs from the paleogene sediments of East Java: ?the evidence of earlier arrival

Oleh: Seko Budi Lelono

Abstraksi : The palynological investigation of the Paleogene sediments is based on cutting samples collected from the exploration wells which are drilled in East Java area. The occurrence of pollen Meyeripollis naharkotensis and spore Cicatricosisporites dorogensis in the upper well sections suggests the ...

27. Groundwater modeling in Yogyakarta urban area, Indonesia

Oleh: D.T. Huyen;H. Hendrayana;K. Jinno

Abstraksi : Being located in the crowded area with many human activities, Yogyakarta Urban Area is facing on many groundwater problems. The human activities that influence to groundwater including extraction of groundwater, discharge polluted water from industries, hotels and other services. Although the ...

28. Gumuk gunung api purba bawah laut di Tawangsari-Jomboran, Sukoharjo-Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah

Oleh: Gendoet Hartono;Adjat Sudradjat;Ildrem Syafri

Abstraksi : Makalah ini membahas morfologi gunung api dan batuan gunung api yang mengindikasikan keberadaan gunung api purba bawah laut di daerah Tawangsari-Jomboran, Sukoharjo-Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah. Secara umum, batuan gunung api ini diidentifikasi sebagai breksi andesit yang dikelompokkan ke dalam ...

29. In house developed software of integrated windows-unix seismic data processing

Oleh: Akhsanul Khair;Abdul Haris

Abstraksi : The increase of processing capacity of PC and continuing downsizing of computer platform bring a new role of high end PC to replace the position of main frame. Unix plays the crucial role in the past during the workstation downsizing era. Today the same power of Unix can be run on the available ...

30. Integrating bayesian sequential indicator simulation and seismic inversion to delineate productive reservoir zone in boonsville field, Texas

Oleh: Befriko Murdianto;Leonard Lisapaly;Abdul Haris

Abstraksi : Subsurface models of lithology are often poorly constrained due to the lack of dense well control. Although limited in vertical resolution, high-quality 3-D seismic data usually provide valuable information regarding the lateral variations of lithology. In this paper, we will show how the ...

31. Interpretasi data seismik pantul dan pemboran untuk tapak konstruksi jembatan Jawa - Bali perairan selat Bali

Oleh: Ediar Usman;Franto Novico;Purnomo Raharjo;Deny Setiady

Abstraksi : Perairan Selat Bali akan dikembangkan konstruksi jembatan yang menghubungkan P. Jawa dan P. Bali. Untuk mendapatkan data guna mendukung pembangunan tapak jembatan tersebut telah dilakukan penelitian geologi kelautan pada kedua sisi tapak jembatan dan bagian tengah perairan Selat Bali. Hasil ...

32. Kajian keekonomian energi terbarukan dan potensi CDM: studi kasus energi biodiesel dan energi angin

Oleh: Armi Susandi

Abstraksi : Penelitian ini mengkaji aspek ekonomi (nilai investasi) dan potensi Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) dari energi baru dan terbarukan dalam hal ini akan dipilih pengembangan dan potensi energi biodiesel dan angin. Kajian biodiesel dari sisi investasi dan pengembangan kebijakannya sangat ...

33. K/AR dating of bukit asam and bukit kendi intrussions related to age of maturity and increasing of coal quality in Tanjung Enim area, South - Sumatera

Oleh: Harry Utoyo

Abstraksi : Coal bearing Muara Enim Formation is widely spread in Muara Enim, especially in Tanjung Enim District, South-Sumatera Province. Field observations display increasing maturity and quality towards Bukit Asam and Bukit Kendi intrusions. Potassium argons age analysis revealed that Bukit Asam is ...

34. Kerusakan lingkungan pertambangan bahan galian golongan C di Ujung Batee, Aceh Besar provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

Oleh: Agus Hendratno

Abstraksi : Kebutuhan yang mendesak akan pasokan material bahan galian konstruksi / bahan galian C untuk pembangunan rekonstruksi Aceh, merupakan suatu keharusan. Namun demikian, kelancaran pasokan material bahan galian golongan C tersebut, juga sangat ditentukan oleh mekanisme kegiatan penambangan, mulai ...

35. Kinematics motion of western part of Sulawesi region as derived by GPS results

Oleh: D.A. Sarsito;H.Z. Abidin;H. Andreas;W. Triyoso;M.I.T. Taib

Abstraksi : The island of Sulawesi is located at the triple juction of the Indo-Australian, Pacific and Eurasion Plates. This triple junction generated a complicated configuration of active plate boundaries with rapid microblock rotations character. Moreover, since the relative motions of the involved plates ...

36. Landslide risk assessment at Piyungan - Patuk area, Yogyakarta special province, Indonesia

Oleh: Leang Sopheap;Dwikorita Karnawati;Kenji Aoki;Teuku Faisal Fathani

Abstraksi : Field inspection revealed that several geological conditions and old landslide traces present in Piyungan-Patuk indicate that the area is vulnerable to landslide occurrences. As a means of identifying and classifying the areas in Piyungan-Patuk which are in danger during landslide events, this ...

37. Magnetic characteristics of the rendingan - ulubelu - waypanas (RUW) geothermal system, Lampung Indonesia

Oleh: Suharno;S. Soengkono

Abstraksi : Data collected in the ground magnetic survey of the Rendingan-Ulubelu-Waypanas (RUW) geothermal system conducted by Pertamina in 1991 was analyzed of this study. The results show that negative anomalies are dominant in the RUW geothermal system. Magnetic effects of near surface rocks and ...

38. Marginal gold project decision with discounted cash flow (DCF) method

Oleh: Dendi Dwitiandi

Abstraksi : “Marginal Gold” in Antam’s business perspective is defined as a reserve of contained gold of less than 1 million oz, which will not be developed as a “stand-alone project”. Mineral project economic evaluation-“NPV/cash flow simulation” is determined by profile of production, ...

39. Mineral resources management for enhancing the potency of people gold mining in Indonesia

Oleh: Sutrisno;Danny Z Herman;R. Hutamadi;MP Pohan;Edie Kurnia D;Sabtanto JS

Abstraksi : Indonesia is a rich country with diversity of mineral resources, from which gold ore resources in either primary or secondary deposits have attracted many mining businesses both the small scale and the big ones and even local people which are believed to have begun since early cultural history ...

40. Mineralisasi Cu, Mo, Au dan logam dasar di kali grindulu, daerah Tegalombo, Pacitan, East Java

Oleh: Setiawan I;Sumantri T.A.F;Priadi B;Sukarna D

Abstraksi : The area of the Kali Grindulu-Tegalombo is located in the Southern Mountain Range of East Java, composed by hydrothermally altered basaltic andesite-dacite which is equivalent to the OligoMiocene Mandalika Formation. The mineralogy of hydrothermal alteration, based on petrographic and XRD ...

41. Mineralization of Cu-Au porphyry deposits in cihurip and surrounding area, Garut regency, West Java, Indonesia

Oleh: Emmy Suparka;M. Aziz;C.I. Abdullah;Suparka

Abstraksi : The study area is located in Cihurip and surrounding area, Garut Regency, West Java; Indonesia, it is dominated by andesite lava, volcanic breccia, tuff, pyroclastic breccia, andesite and diorite intrusion; which have undergone mineralization and hydrothermal alteration. Fisiography of the ...

42. Model sebaran endapan bijih besi menggunakan metode tahanan jenis

Oleh: Huang Liya;Jiang Kejun

Abstraksi : Recent rapid growth of energy use in China exerts great pressure on energy supply. In order to formulate policies in response to the growth of energy demand in China, this study provides scenarios of future long-term mixed energy development, taking into account the most up-to-date data and ...

43. Model seleksi dan optimasi bahan bakar minyak (batubara dan gas)

Oleh: Widodo

Abstraksi : Tujuan dari penelitian ini membuat model seleksi dan optimasi energi altenatif BBM. Model yang dikembangkan dengan proses hirarki analitik untuk seleksi dan goal programming untuk optimasi energi alternatif BBM. Implementasi model dilakukan terhadap energi alternatif BBM diantaranya batubara ...

44. Modifikasi minifract pada kondisi tortuosity di sumur dengan permasalahan kerusakan perforasi

Oleh: Hisar Limbong;Sumadi Paryoto

Abstraksi : Minifract have been recognized and well used as the most accurate method to determine data in Fracturing design. Minifract is a pumping treatment with a non compressible fluid which is designed to be as closed as possible to the actual treatment (Mainfract), without using any proppant/sands. ...

45. Monitoring the potential plantation site of jatropha for bio-diesel fuel (BDF) using aster data: case study in Wonogiri area, Central Java, Indonesia

Oleh: Suliantara;Nurus Firdaus;Doma;Hozuma Sekine

Abstraksi : Energy consumption trend increase in Indonesia and most of this energy come from oil and gas. Energy consumption increase 5%/year on the other hand national production decrease and limited new discovery. Consider to these situations, a new energy must be developed. Indonesia government on ...

46. Optimasi perforasi pada sumur gas

Oleh: Sumadi Paryoto;Hisar Limbong

Abstraksi : Penentuan laju produksi dan optimasi produksi gas merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting dalam industri minyak. Kadang-kadang penentuan interval perforasi hanya berdasarkan ketebalan lapisan tidak mempertimbangkan rate yang akan diperoleh. Semakin panjang interval perforasi belum tentu ...

47. Optimization of gas production in multi wells single reservoir based on economic calculation

Oleh: Leksono Mucharam;Pudjo Sukarno;Septoratno Siregar;Darmadi;Andrey Dama;Iskandar Fahmi

Abstraksi : Computation of gas deliverability is an interesting and complicated problem in gas industries since it contains the question of how long a well(s) can still deliver gas to the sales point. With this calculation, the plateau time of the deliverability can be predicted which is in turn, if the ...

48. Optimizing the development of gas transmission line for increasing demand

Oleh: Arsegianto;Edi Soewono;Evi Wahyuningsih;Delint Ira S

Abstraksi : Optimization of gas transmission line is carried out to obtain pipe size, compressor size, and the location of compressor. This is a “snap-shot” approach, which means that the optimum condition obtained is based on a constant volume of gas to be delivered along the life cycle of the ...

49. Outlining hydrogeological system using multivariate analysis on groundwater quality at Mt. Ciremai, West Java, Indonesia

Oleh: D. Erwin Irawan;Deny Juanda Puradimaja;Sudarto Notosiswoyo

Abstraksi : Volcanic slopes are important sources of water. Due to altitude effects they receive significant amounts of precipitation whereas the lower regions often receive far less (<500 mm/year). In densely populated tropical regions, like Java, Indonesia, this water source is of increasing importance ...

50. Pemahaman koreksi data magnetotelllurik (MT) saat terjadi kesalahan pemasangan sendor magnet serta pembahasan hasil pemrosesan data MT sebelum dan setelah koreksi, Studi kasus titik amat MTRR

Oleh: Riki Irfan;Imam B. Raharjo

Abstraksi : Titik amat MTRR berada di daerah yang jauh dari sumber noise berjarak sekitar 2 km dari jaringan listrik serta desa terdekat. Pengukuran dilakukan dua kali untuk melihat perbedaan karakter kurva tahanan jenis akibat penukaran channel magnet Hx dan channel magnet Hy. Data pertama diperoleh ...

51. Pendekatan neotektonik dengan analisis kuantitatif morfometri sungai (studi kasus pada sub-das sungai cilutung dan sub-das sungai Cimanuk-Majalengka)

Oleh: Sukahar eka A. Saputra

Abstraksi : Penelitian morfotektonik yang menitikberatkan hubungan analisis geomorfologi kuntitatif dengan struktur geologi menunjukkan pengaruh aktifitas neotektonik. Analisis geomorfologi kuantitatif ini dilakukan terhadap sistem pola pengaliran sungai ; tingkat percabangan sungai (bifurcation ratio/Rb) ...

52. Penggunaan metode geolistrik untuk menentukan potensi air bawah tanah di kecamatan Banyumanik, Semarang

Oleh: Cipto Gumono

Abstraksi : Dalam penelitian ini digunakan data-data dari pengukuran tahanan jenis batuan di lapangan dengan menggunakan data dari geolistrik. Pengukuran tersebut dilakukan di kecamatan Banyumanik sebanyak 22 titik lokasi. Jenis batuan dari daerah sekitar kecamatan Banyumanik ialah batupasir, batulempung, ...

53. Petrography and mineralization at the volcanic rock of hulusimpang formation member, in lebong tandai North Bengkulu region, Bengkulu Province, Sumatera

Oleh: Sri Indarto;Iskandar Zulkarnain;Iwan Setiawan;Sudarsono

Abstraksi : The volcanic rocks exposed in the Lebong Tandai area and its surroundings, the North of Bengkulu Region, Sumatera can divide into two types, that are as lavas and pyroclastic. The petrographic and major elements analyses result of lavas are suitable for andesite and basalt. Whereas the ...

54. Prediksi penyebaran lateral porositas dari atribut seismik menggunakan artificial neural network

Oleh: Abdullah Nurhasan;Abdul Haris

Abstraksi : Atribut seismik merupakan informasi yang berasal dari data seismik yang bisa dipelajari untuk memprediksi suatu target baik dengan kalkulasi langsung atau dengan analisis. Walaupun hubungan antara atribut seismik dengan karakteristik batuan dan reservoar tidak dapat dideskripsikan secara ...

55. Preliminary study on wind energy as a renewable, clean and environment friendly energy resources in Indonesia

Oleh: H. Zadrach L. Dupe;Noersomadi;Bayong Tjasyono HK.;Joko Wiratmo

Abstraksi : Analysis has been done to the 10 m surface wind data for 200 Indonesian meteorological stations over the whole country. It showed that maximum average of monthly wind speed were about 4 – 8 msec-1 which could generate 0.3 – 2.5 MW electrical power. Using the power law 0.2 10 10 ??? ...

56. Proposed method for evaluation on long term stability of a cut slope at the steep slope of kalibawang irrigation channel KM. 8.5

Oleh: Ros Soty;Dwikorita Karnawati;Salahuddin Husein;Kenji Aoki

Abstraksi : The research area is located at Kalibawang irrigation channel km 8.5, Kulon Progo regency, Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia. In 1990, the landslide occurred and cut the irrigation channel, then, the slope was stabilized by cutting and covering the slope’s surface by using shotcrete. At ...

57. Proses sedimentasi pantai dan lepas pantai di perairan Cirebon

Oleh: D. Setiady;Noor C.D. Aryanto

Abstraksi : Litologi di sekitar Pantai di Perairan Cirebon adalah endapan alluvial dari sedimen kuarter. Pendangkalan yang terjadi di sekitar pantai Perairan Cirebon melingkupi daerah yang luas. Kondisi ini disebabkan morfologi pantai yang sangat landai dan pasokan sedimen yang tinggi terutama di sekitar ...

58. Resistivity and core analysis approach to identified fractured zones case study : gamping area, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Oleh: Fauziah Anggraeni;Djoko Wintolo

Abstraksi : The research area was conducted in Gamping Area, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The destructions and liquifactions caused by earthquake trigger the fracture zone and other zones which have low permeability with high porosity (clay) on the subsurface. This is also supported by the ...

59. Resistivity and refraction seismic mapping in sewu temple area

Oleh: Sismanto;Eddy Hartantyo

Abstraksi : Due to the Yogyakarta’s Earthquake of 5.9 Richter scale in May 2006, the Sewu temple has deformation up to 5 cm and some of the temple bodies are break. The effect of the Earthquake will influence the stability of the rock or soil in the subsurface. Thus, it is very importance to study the ...

60. Seismic stratigraphy and tectonic of Gorontalo basin and its implication for hydrocarbon trap potential

Oleh: P.H. Wijaya;Subarsyah;J. Widodo;N.A. Kristanto;Susilohadi;L.Arifin

Abstraksi : Seismic multi-channel and magnetic data acquisition of Gorontalo deepsea basin with 457 kms length has been carried out by Marine Geological Institute, Research and Development Agency of Energy and Mineral Resources Department. Gorontalo basin is one of frontier and deepsea basins in eastern ...

61. Source and distribution of arsenic surrounding a small scale gold mine, Selogiri area, Wonogiri, Indonesia

Oleh: Rodhie Saputra;I Wayan Warmada;Agung Harijoko;Yoshinobu Motomura;Akira Imai;Koichiro Watanabe

Abstraksi : Selogiri area has been known as small scale gold mining, which is already mined for about 15 years. The amalgamation method is used to extract the gold from the ore. Gophering mining method is used for gathered the rock from the mine site, which is known as conventional mining method. Arsenic ...

62. Subsurface geological models of semanggi, cepu block java

Oleh: Premonowati;Carolus Prasetyadi;Sigit Rahardjo;Jonli Sinulingga;Yayan Sulistiyana;Dadang Rukmana

Abstraksi : The west block of Semanggi field is more productive than in east block. Stratigraphycally, from the ten layers of I until X, the producing layers is IIIB, VII and VIII. The producing layers thickness is between 5 to 13 meter. The 9 MFS datum has devide lithostratigraphy of area as follow: Tawun ...

63. Textural characteristics of tsunamiite: study on recent tsunami deposit at Pangandaran coast, Ciamis and Parangendog coast, Yogyakarta

Oleh: Hendra Amijaya;Ngisomuddin

Abstraksi : July 17, 2006 tsunami which occurred in Indian Ocean had swept most of the south coast of Java, especially at Pangandaran area, West Java. The tsunami wave transported and deposited sediment known as tsunamiite. This research was done to characterize the textural appearance of tsunami sediment ...

64. The characteristics and quality of kedungbedah betonite at Wonosegoro area Boyolali regency, Central Java and its utilization for healing (anti-diarrhea)

Oleh: Anastasia Dewi Titisari;Widiasmoro;Arifudin Idrus

Abstraksi : Indigenous cultures including the Indians of the high Andes mountains, the aborigines of Australia and the tribes in Central Africa have used the bentonite as healing of disease and supporting of the intestinal system in the elimination of toxins since before recorded history. The Indonesian ...

65. The coherence cube methodology improves seismic interpretation accuracy on rantau field structural

Oleh: Ramsi Irian;Budi Tamtomo;Salman Firdaus

Abstraksi : The Coherence Cube Methodology enables GGR teams to verify their interpretations and clearly demonstrate why a given prospect should be drilled or field development. A major advance in 3D seismic imaging, the Coherence Cube reveals critical fault and stratigraphic information. Stratigraphic ...

66. The effect of compressibility to design deep foundation of behavior earthfill in Jakarta

Oleh: S. Rahman;H Pindratno;A. Assegaf

Abstraksi : Geological condition of Northern Jakarta is dominated by alluvial deposits. These material have various enginnering properties which are distinguished by physical and mechanical properties. In orther to know the diversity of physical and mechanical properties in detail, engineering geology data ...

67. The hydrocarbon source rock potential on the rambatan formation in the Banjarnegara area S, Central Java

Oleh: Praptisih;Kamtono;M. Safei Siregar

Abstraksi : The porpuse of the study which has been carried out in the Banjarnegara areas , was to investigate whether the surface samples of fine grained clastic sediments, including their lithofacies and possess source rock potential. Seventeen samples have been analyzed for their Total Organic Carbon ...

68. The influent of mineral dissolution process to the secondary porosity of the pre-tertiary basement rock of South Sumatra basin

Oleh: Euis Tintin Yuningsih

Abstraksi : The objective of the research is to identify the dissolution process of the minerals composed of the Pre-Tertiary basement rock of South Sumatra Basin petrographically and its relation with the formation of secondary porosity. The samples are obtained from pre-Tertiary igneous rock at JSB-3, ...

69. The modelling of coal exploration using resistivity method

Oleh: Karyanto;Bagus Sapto Mulyatno;Warsito;Rhiya Rotun Nisak

Abstraksi : It have been done a preliminary study in apllying the resistivity method to identify the coal existence. This model has been realized for laboratory scale, which the respresented of subsurface geological strusture has been realized by using the box filled by earth as a medium. The method used ...

70. The study of landform toward erosion in Jepara regency

Oleh: Wiweka;M. Natsir

Abstraksi : The study of landforms count for a method that good enough in soil loss by water or erosion identification. The landforms include a complete information of soils; their formation time, their development processes and their surrounding feature associations. The landform describes the five ...

71. The subsurface condition of limestone based on ground probing radar ditection of nico hotel and garuda wisnu site plant, Nusa Dua, Bali

Oleh: Kris Budiono;Purnomo Rahardjo;Bekti Jatmiko

Abstraksi : The Ground Penetrating radar have been used to profile the depth of subsurface limestone and the bedrock of Nicco Hotel and Garuda Wisnu Site plant of Nusa Dua coast, Bali . Analysis of a large data base of GPR profile from natural subsurface limestone condition along the Nusa Dua coast line ...

72. The utilization of resistivity and GPS methods in landslide monitoring: case study at Panawangan area - Ciamis, Indonesia

Oleh: R. Sule;Syamsuddin;F. Sitorus;D. A. Sarsito;I. A. Sadisun

Abstraksi : The combination of resistivity and GPS (Global Positioning System) methods in landslide monitoring was carried out in Panawangan area, Ciamis, Indonesia. The resistivity method is a powerful method in determining resistivity distribution below subsurface. The resistivity of Halang (dominated by ...

73. Toponim morfologi dasar laut di perairan Indonesia

Oleh: K. Hardjawidjaksana;S. Marina;L. Gustiantini;E. Herawati

Abstraksi : Penamaan submarine features merupakan bagian dari kegiatan pemerintahan dalam penamaan unsur-unsur geografis/geologis (alami), seperti nama trench, seamount, quaternary basin, dan sebagainya, yang menyangkut juga pembakuan penulisan, ejaan dan fonetiknya. Kepentingan Indonesia dalam hal ini ...

74. Transformation of VLF-EM data into resistivity profile modeling and field applications

Oleh: Wahyu Srigutomo;Didik Sugianto;Imran H. Mohammad;Asep Harja;Prihandhanu M. Pratomo;Adhitya Sumardi

Abstraksi : The objective of the study is to obtain apparent resistivity profiles through transformation of VLF-EM signals, approximated as the real and imaginary components of the ratio between the vertical and the horizontal components of magnetic fields. The transformation procedure has been tested ...

75. Tsunami inundation modeling PelabuhanRatu, West Java

Oleh: Yudhicara

Abstraksi : According to its coastal characteristic, Pelabuhanratu and its surroundings is divided into 4 (four) types, they are : (1) sandy beaches, (2) gravely sandy beaches, (3) rocky beaches and (4) corral reef beaches. In general coastal area of Pelabuhanratu has bay shape and pocket beaches. Has ...

76. Zonasi likuifaksi daerah Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Oleh: Untung Sudarsono;Sugiyanto

Abstraksi : Gempa bumi 27 Mei 2006 yang terjadi di daerah Yogyakarta mengakibatkan terjadinya semburan pasir di beberapa tempat antara lain di daerah Bantul. Gejala tersebut dikenal sebagai peristiwa likuifaksi dan fenomena tersebut menarik untuk dilakukan penelitian. Penelitian dilakukan untuk membuat ...

77. 3D seismic multi attribute application to determine SWB-3ST well location on a-sand reservoir of Southwest betara (SWB) field, jabung block, Jambi province

Oleh: M. Noor Alamsyah;Woro Sutjiningsih;Lambok P. Marpaung;Sihman Marmosuwito;I Nyoman Suta;Lu Xiaoguang

Abstraksi : Seismic multi attribute analysis of 3D seismic data presents a great opportunity for reservoir characterization. Correlation between combined various P-wave seismic attributes and existing wells has been applied to 60 km2 of seismic over a A-Sand reservoir in Southwest Betara (SWB) Field of Jabung ...

78. "A dual monobore completion" in vico Indonesia: a new completion solution for multi layer reservoirs in mature gas field

Oleh: Sumaryanto;Budi Srisantoso

Abstraksi : VICO Indonesia is a mature field that has been produced for about 30 years; the reservoir management challenge is to optimize the well completion in order to have good commercial rate and optimizing reserves recovery from even marginal reservoir. The completion called “Dual Monobore” has ...

79. A review of subsurface modelling in different industries

Oleh: Ankur Gupta

Abstraksi : As the world’s demand for oil, gas, coal and minerals increases it becomes more and more important to image the subsurface and to predict its behaviour in response to changes in stress and fluid movement. The requirements of different subsurface industries can be very different but the ...

80. A revise of stratigraphy base on magnetic polarity and radiometric age data: case study of rock group from tottori and hyogo prefecture, Japan

Oleh: Eddy Zulkamaini Gaffar;Masayuki Torii

Abstraksi : Paleomagnetic measurements were carried out on the Pliocene volcanic rocks in the Teragi Group. Samples were collected from 12 sites that included three lithologic units of the Teragi Group, in the border area between eastern Tottori and northwestern Hyogo Prefectures. Samples of Miocene granItes ...

81. Alteration and mineralization of ancient caldera in cupunagara, Subang, West Java

Oleh: Sugeng S Surjono;Mohd. Shafeea Leman

Abstraksi : Low grade metamorphic rocks including slate, phyllite, metaquartzite with subordinate schist and quartzite are widely distributed in East Johor. Regionally, this rock unit is extended northward up to northern Terengganu area. The protolith of this rocks unit was deposited in shallow marine ...

82. Analisis atribut seismik komplek berbasis CWT lapangan durian, Cekungan Sumatera Utara

Oleh: Achmad Susilo;Sudarmaji;Budi Eka Nurcahya

Abstraksi : Continous Wavelet Transform (CWT) adalah suatu metoda baru untuk analisis data non stasioner dalam kawasan waktu frekuensi. Hasil tranformasi data seismik menggunakan CWT berupa data kompleks dalam kawasan waktu frekuensi. Data seismik kompleks dalam kawasan waktu frekuensi tersebut dipergunakan ...

83. Analisis AVO (amplitude variation with offset) untuk identifikasi hidrokarbon (gas sand)

Oleh: Wahyu Dwi Purnomo;Rina Dwi Indriana;Woro Sutjiningsih

Abstraksi : Analisis AVO (Amplitude Variation with offset) merupakan metode yang mengukur perubahan refleksi gelombang P sebagai fungsi dari sudut datang. Respon AVO dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kandungan fluida hidrokarbon dalam batuan sebagai akibat adanya kontras sifat elastik medium dibawah ...

84. Analisis sebaran klinker daerah birang, Kecamatan Gunung Tabur, Kabupaten Berau, Propinsi Kalimantan Timur

Oleh: Andi Zulkarnain;Gatot B. Kuncahyo;Dadan R. Setiawan

Abstraksi : Secara geologi, daerah Birang dibentuk oleh lipatan sinklin asimetris menunjam relatif ke tenggara dengan strike relatif barat laut – tenggara, dip 350 - 400 untuk sayap timur dan 150 – 200 untuk sayap barat, serta 100 – 150 di daerah tunjaman. Secara morfologi, tersusun oleh perbukitan, ...

85. Application of zero-offset CRS-stack technique to improve image quality of low fold-coverage seismic data

Oleh: E.A. Sentani;R. Sule;M.S. Jaya;A. Widiatmoko;Yendri;I. Purwaman

Abstraksi : Low fold coverage of seismic data usually happen at the beginning and the end of the seismic line, or in the area where the survey lines go through villages or river. In some cases, seismic lines was designed as small fold as possible in order to minimize the cost of acquisition. The effect of ...

86. Assesment of groundwater contaminant loading potential for Yogyakarta urban area, Indonesia

Oleh: P. Keophousone;H. Hendrayana;A. Harijoko;K. Jinno

Abstraksi : Most of drinking water and water usage in Yogyakarta Urban Area are derived from groundwater sources and water supply. As the rapid increasing of population and human developments due to leakage from unsewered sanitation system, train fuel storage tanks, waste water from batik industries, and ...

87. Avoiding mud losses using seismic attribute in sisi nubi field

Oleh: Firdaus Tampilang;Yuriza Noor;Iskandar Umar;Rangga A. Brahmantio

Abstraksi : Mud losses have occurred while drilling several Sisi Nubi wells. Losses experienced vary from Partial Loss, Severe Loss and even Total Loss. These losses are potential hazards for drilling, therefore a better understanding of loss cause, carbonate distribution and how to avoid these losses will ...

88. Bencana geologi dalam "sandhyakala" jenggala dan majapahit: hipotesis erupsi gununglumpur historis berdasarkan kitab pararaton, serat kanda, babad tanah jawi; folklor timun mas; analogi erupsi LUSI; dan analisis geologi depresi kendeng-delta brantas

Oleh: Awang Harun Satyana

Abstraksi : Kerajaan Jenggala dan Kerajaan Majapahit berpusat di delta Brantas, Jawa Timur pada sekitar abad ke-11 sampai awal abad ke-16. Perkembangan, kemajuan, dan keruntuhan kedua kerajaan ini sedikit banyak berkaitan dengan proses-proses geologi yang terjadi pada delta Brantas. Kerajaan Jenggala hanya ...

89. Blasthole sampling for grade control in open pit mine at batu hijau porphyry copper-gold deposit, Sumbawa-Indonesia

Oleh: Johan Arif;Eddy Priowasono;Dini Rachmawati;Onie Handayani;Agung Naruputro

Abstraksi : The principal objective of an optimised grade control procedure is to maximise the financial return from short-term mining of a bench, taking into account the related costs of sampling. Any interpretation of ore outlines based on poor quality sample data (regardless the sample density) will produce ...

90. Building conceptual geologic models for complex turbidite reservoirs without the benefit of seismic support

Oleh: Setiyo Pamungkas;Joaquin Naar;May Sari Hendrawati

Abstraksi : The Wiriagar Deep Field in the Tangguh area – Papua has potential gas resources of up to 2 Tcf in stratigraphically complex Paleocene turbidites that are currently beyond seismic resolution. The complexity of this succession requires a robust understanding of its geology in order to appraise and ...

91. Career switch from employee to consultant: a tale from an old fox

Oleh: Basuki Puspoputro

Abstraksi : Becoming a consultant is one of the many choices available during the career of a geoscientist. Choosing to become a consultant is likely to produce better results when accompanied by adequate preparation, for becoming successful consultant requires an awareness of the factors that affect the ...

92. Co2 distribution in volcanic are in relation to fault and radon emision: a case study at dieng volcano

Oleh: Supriyati Andreastuti;Sri Subandini;Suryono;E. Sartini;Sukarnen

Abstraksi : Surface manifestation of CO2 in volcanic area forms solfatara, fumarole and moffete fields. CO2 is a common gas found in fault area. Although CO2 gas emission is not always high along the fault zone. Measurement of CO2 gas flux was carried out using Multiwarn Gas Detector. In the location with high ...

93. Collisional orogens in Indonesia : origin, anatomy and nature of deformation

Oleh: Awang H. Satyana;Rudhy L. Tarigan;Cipi Armandita

Abstraksi : Fragmentation, drift, and amalgamation of pieces of buoyant crustal masses like arc, continent, micro-continent, and oceanic plateau are inevitable consequences of plate tectonics. Collision occurs following subduction and accretion when two buoyant masses collide. Orogens – elongated regions of ...

94. Combined extended elastic impedance (EEI) and spectral decomposition calibrated by waveform classification for mapping sand reservoir

Oleh: Tomi A. Jusri;Suprajitno Munadi;Sonny Winardhi;Samsul Hidayat;Widyo Permono

Abstraksi : The gamma ray logs from five exploration wells have been used and extrapolated by a 3D seismic data set to obtain the map of sand reservoir distribution in the X field. In order to extrapolate the gamma ray log outside the available wells, an extended elastic impedance (EEI) sections have been ...

95. Controlled - source electromagnetic (CSEM): complementing avo as prospect qualifier, offshore sabah, NW Borneo

Oleh: H. Maulana;S. Tanner;S. Algar;K. Azlan

Abstraksi : Amplitude versus Offset (AVO) analysis has been utilised to evaluate potentially hydrocarboninduced seismic amplitude variation with offset. One major uncertainty is that reservoirs with 10% gas saturation will have similar AVO responses to commercially saturated reservoirs (>60% hydrocarbon ...

96. Co - seismic geoelectrical potential changes associated with the 2000's Bengkulu eartquake (MW7.9), Indonesia: a possible mechanism

Oleh: Djedi S. Widarto;Tohru Mogi;Toshiyasu Nagao;Katsumi Hattori;Seiya Uyeda

Abstraksi : Significant geoelectric and magnetic field anomalous changes have been observed prior and during the Mw7.9 of June 4, 2000 earthquake in southern Sumatran plate boundary, Indonesia. The mainshock occurred in the intra-oceanic slab and triggered the aftershocks that mainly occurred in the subduction ...

97. Current issues of geothermal manifestations in songa - bacan island, Province of North Maluku - Indonesia

Oleh: Alandra Idral

Abstraksi : Geothermal manifestations in Songa, Bacan island consist of hot springs, fumarols, hot grounds, steaming grounds, mud pools and altered rock. The hot springs temperature varies from 45 o – 100.4 o C, while the rest vary from 77 o – 103.5 oC. The geothermal resources in the area is classified ...

98. Current status of the German-Indonesian tsunami early warning system (GITEWS)

Oleh: T. Kraft;A. Rudloff;J. Lauterjung;W. Hanka;the GITEWS-team

Abstraksi : The German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS) aims for the implementation of an effective tsunami early warning system for the Indian Ocean, mainly off-coast Indonesia. It’s strongly connected to IOC/IOTWS activities in the region. The system integrates terrestrial observation ...

99. Development in conservation model of mount sewu karst area by song terus cave's speleogenesis

Oleh: David O.M. Setyawani1 , Riki Suputra1 , Srijono

Abstraksi : Song Terus cave is an archaeological karstic cave in Mount Sewu karst area, located in Wonogiri Regency – Central Java, consist of two cave alley : Song Terus West and East were separated 80 m along by forming of fault trending NS. Song Terus East was choosen by pre-history community than Song ...

100. Dinamika pantai Indramayu Jawa Barat: tekstur sedimen dan mikrofauna

Oleh: Yudi Darlan;Kresna T. Dewi;Rubiyanto Kapid

Abstraksi : Sejak terjadinya perubahan aliran sungai Cimanuk (1947) yang disusul dengan pertumbuhan komplek delta Cimanuk, garispantai di kawasan delta Cimanuk dan pesisir Indramayu telah mengalami perubahan. Perubahan garispantai di daerah tersebut sepert adanya pantai erosi, pantai sedimentas dan pantai ...

101. Dynamic testing application case study - sangatta field

Oleh: Andry Halim;Cosan Ayan;Elin Haryanto;Nicolas Orban

Abstraksi : Fluid identification is an important objective to resolve key uncertainties of a complex reservoir prior to perforation in the developed fields of Eastern Kalimantan. This paper explains how using a formation tester equipped with two downhole fluid analyzer modules helped understand reservoir fluid ...

102. Earthquake hazard mapping on Bantul area, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Oleh: Dwikorita Karnawati;Salahuddin Husein;Subagyo Pramumijoyo;Antonius Ratdomopurbo;Koichiro Watanabe;Robert Anderson

Abstraksi : In response to the last May 27, 2006 of Bantul Earthquake with the magnitude of 5.9 Richter Scale, more than 5000 people died and about hundred thousands of houses in Bantul, Sleman and Gunung Kidul Regencies were damaged or collapced. To support the recovery and reconstruction of those damaged ...

103. Effect of geological layer to characteristic values of soil parameters

Oleh: Budhi Setiawan;Yusuke Honjo

Abstraksi : In the previous study, the authors have been proposed two points where drown as policies in determining characteristics value of soil parameters based on previous work and design code e.g. Eurocode 7 and Geocode 21 (JGS4001-2004). First, the characteristic values of soil parameters are average ...

104. Estimasi maturasi hidrokarbon menggunakan metode HTTI (heat thermal temperature index) pada batuan reservoar

Oleh: Dian Novitasari;Ordas Dewanto;Lestria Novita Gyamirtie;Bagus Sapto Mulyatno

Abstraksi : Penelitian maturasi hidrokarbon di cekungan-cekungan sedimen di Indonesia umumnya telah berhasil dengan baik. Penentuan maturasi hidrokarbon, umumnya menggunakan teknologi geokimia, dimana data geokimia sampai saat ini masih merupakan salah satu indikator yang cukup akurat untuk memprediksi ...

105. Estimate the maximum hydrocarbon column length using shale gouge ratio in the greater pratu tao south area step out exploration of sirikit onshore oil field in phitsanulok basin, central plains of Thailand

Oleh: D. Suryanto;C. Supamittra

Abstraksi : Faults play a key factor in controlling the accumulation and migration of hydrocarbons. Faults can create barriers for fluid flow, but faults can also act as lateral and vertical migration paths for fluid. However, no fault is perfectly sealing or leaking along its entire length throughout its ...

106. Evaluasi kondisi reservoar batu-pasir serpihan dari pengaruh sifat-sifat kelist rikan tahanan jenis batuan

Oleh: Ordas Dewanto;Alimuddin;Warsito

Abstraksi : Dilatar belakangi dari reservoar minyak dan gas bumi sebagai tempat terakumulasinya hidrokarbon dancara mengetahui parameter reservoar, pada tahun 1942, Archie memperkenalkan sifat resistivitas batuanreservoar, hal ini merupakan berita yang sangat menggembirakan bagi dunia perminyakan. Karenadengan ...

107. Fasies dan diagnesesis formasi baturaja di sumur "x-1" lapangan "x", Sumatera Selatan

Oleh: Arif Susanto;Emmy Suparka

Abstraksi : Daerah penelitian terletak di Sumur X-1, Lapangan X, Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran fasies dan lingkungan pengendapan, tahapan dan lingkungan diagenesa, serta hubungan fasies dan diagenesa terhadap perkembangan porositas batuan karbonat Formasi Baturaja. ...

108. Feasibility study of biogenic gas utilitization for coastal community of kakap area - kapuas rivermouth West Kalimantan

Oleh: Hananto Kurnio

Abstraksi : The availability of alternative energy, biogenic gas, for coastal community surrounds the existence of gas deposit is the main objective of this study. We realized that this alternative energy availability is for non commercial purpose due to very limited reserve. The activities here are to help ...

109. Fold generate fault study in Semayang area, East Kalimantan

Oleh: Fuad Ahmadin Nasution;Armein Suleiman;Andang Bachtiar

Abstraksi : This study is referring to Mitra’s theory and models, 2003 which is study of fold development which generate secondary fault known as fold accommodation fault. Fold accommodation fault are secondary faults that accommodate strain variations related to structural and stratigraphic position during ...

110. Formasi semilir di pegunungan selatan, Jawa Tengah suatu hasil letusan dahsyat gunung api miosen

Oleh: Surono;M.A.Puspa

Abstraksi : Formasi Semilir tersingkap luas di sepanjang Pegunungan Selatan, pantai selatan Jawa bagian tengah. Formasi, yang memainkan peran penting dalam stratigrafi dan magmatisme di daerah tersebut, dialasi secara selaras oleh Formasi Kebo-Butak dan bagian atasnya ditindih oleh Formasi Nglanggran. Formasi ...

111. Fractured granitic basement as reservoir

Oleh: H.D. Tjia

Abstraksi : Granitic pre-Tertiary basement in northern Sundaland and Indosinia provides two principal reservoir types: fractured competent rock and various forms of its weathered rock. Due to its great dimensions, fractured granite basement blocks of less than 3 per cent bulk porosity have been estimated to ...

112. Frequency and resolution, what kind of image we can reasonably expect from seismic data

Oleh: Zainal Abidin;Yuriza Noor;Rangga A. Brahmantio

Abstraksi : There are several seismic data dedicated for Sisi-Nubi which were shot and processed with different parameters in accordance with their particular objectives. Hence, these data sets have their own characteristics, such as wavelet phase, amplitude, frequency content, etc. This paper will not ...

113. Further development of kenali asam field

Oleh: Budiyono;Alice Maylana

Abstraksi : Kenali Asam Field is located about 7 km southward from Jambi City. Administratively, the field is a part of Batang Hari and Muara Jambi Regency and PT Pertamina EP Region Sumatera working area. Since January 2005, UBEP Jambi – Pertamina EP has become operator of the field, and other fields, ...

114. Further exploration stretagy at tawau geothermal area, sabah, Malaysia

Oleh: I. Takashima;T. Sanudin;Eddy Sucipta I G.B.;Irzal Nur;Myint Soe

Abstraksi : Five geothermal fields are recognized in Tawau area, SW Sabah, Malaysia. Geothermal potential of the Tawau area is not clear but surface manifestation, heat discharge and existence of heat source young volcanoes lead us to next exploration step. First priority area is the Apas Kiri where the ...

115. Genetic of the surface cracks during the Yogyakarta earthquake May, 27th 2006


Abstraksi : In the attention of Merapi volcano’s eruption, early in the morning of May 27, 2006, the people of Yogyakarta was stroke by earthquake, that resulted more than 5000 victims and more than 200.000 buildings were damaged. According to United States Geological Survey (USGS) this earthquake epicenter ...

116. Geologi sehubungan dengan gerakan tanah di daerah sekaran, Semarang

Oleh: Akbar Cita

Abstraksi : Dinamika tektonik berupa pengangkatan, amblas, retakan, patahan, dan lipatan serta gravitasi bumi menyebabkan terjadinya erosi dan gerakan tanah yang menghasilkan perubahan roman muka bumi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memahami proses geologi, khususnya morfotektonik, sehubungan dengan gerakan tanah ...

117. Geological influence to the causes of mass movement at pasir honje (km 92+200 - km 92+800) desa Cibodas, Kecamatan Sukatani, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Province of west java

Oleh: Wahyuni Tri Sundari

Abstraksi : Lack of research about geological condition and characteristic of rock and soil in technical construction may cause to the damage even failed of construction. Such as happen at Pasir Honje (Km 92+200 – Km 92+800) Desa Cibodas, Kecamatan Sukatani, Kabupaten Purwakarta Province of West Java where ...

118. Geological modeling in beruk North field, coastal plains Pekanbaru block, Central Sumatra basin, Indonesia

Oleh: Reza Satria N.;Budi A.;Doni H.;Fadhli R.

Abstraksi : Beruk North Field is located in the southern part of Coastal Plains Pekanbaru (CPP) Block. The first exploration well was drilled in 1985 and the field has been producing since 1988. It has four ways dip closures resulting from highly structural influence. The complex structural setting and less ...

119. Guna (grand unifield natural evolutions algorithm) and salam (seven to the N th power of ten annum long of age and minor) cycle

Oleh: Mayanto

Abstraksi : Metode ini merupakan suatu metode yang sangat baik karena dapat mengidentifikasi potensial noise secara detil dan cepat di setiap trace sehingga dapat dipergunakan sebagai acuan untuk melakukan tindakan preventif dan parameter penilaian kualitas data dalam konteks noise. Comprehends global and ...

120. Hydrocarbon reservoir monitoring using gravity 4D method, in "X" field in Southern Sumatra area

Oleh: Arief Rahman;M. Irfan Mashudi;Alfiah Dwi Rahmawati;Adi SusiloI;Muhammad Sarkowi

Abstraksi : This monitoring of Microgravity 4D research using Gravitymeter Lacoste Romberg type G1158 with Alliod System, Gravitymeter Lacoste Romberg type G504 with feedback factor system. Gravitymeter Scientrex type CG3 with accuracy 1 Micro Gall. To make a map of gravity anomaly, use Surfer 8.0 version. ...

121. Hypothetical analysis on hydrodynamic trap in kutai basin and its opportunity

Oleh: Agus M. Ramdhan;Lambok M. Hutasoit;Richard E. Swarbrick

Abstraksi : Tilted hydrocarbon water contacts, which are indicative of hydrodynamic traps, have been documented at several fields in the Kutai basin, Eastern Kalimantan, Indonesia (e.g. Badak, Semberah, Tambora, and Peciko). A hypothetical analysis is then performed to understand the possible driving ...

122. Identifikasi alur purba berdasarkan seismik pantul dangkal di perairan Bangka utara, Sumatera Selatan lembar peta 1114

Oleh: Purnomo Raharjo;Nur Adi Kristanto;Godwin Latuputty

Abstraksi : Di Indonesia keberadaan sumberdaya mineral kelautan dikontrol oleh proses-proses tektonik dan tatanan geologi kelautan regional mulai dari kawasan pantai, endapan mineral berassosiasi dengan proses sedimentasi . Salah satu sumber daya mineral lepas pantai adalah timah yang merupakan endapan ...

123. Increasing of kelud activities because of mentawai earthquake

Oleh: Ricky;Reza;Septri Budi S

Abstraksi : The motion of tectonic plate will influence the increasing of volcanoes’ activities. The earthquake which have happened in September, 12th 2007 motivate the increasing of volcanoes’ activities in Sumatra and Java, one of the volcano is Kelud volcano. The vibration of Mentawai’s earthquake ...

124. Indikasi karakter kontinental pada produk alterasi batuan di daerah Ponorogo (Jawa Timur)

Oleh: H. Utoyo;B. Priadi;Wahyono;MHJ Dirk

Abstraksi : Daerah Ponorogo (Jawa-Timur) tersusun oleh satuan-satuan sedimenter berumur Tersier yang banyak diterobos dan ditutupi oleh produk volkanisme yang lebih muda. Aktivitas volkanik yang ada memberikan gejala alterasi yang cukup luas dengan tingkat alterasi yang beragam. Studi detil geologi dan ...

125. Indonesian banded iron formation (BIF): a controversial in age and tectonic setting of BIF mineralization in Tanggamus area - Lampung, South Sumatra

Oleh: Andri Slamet Subandrio M.

Abstraksi : The discovery of BIF (Banded Iron Formation) mineralization in Tanggamus area of Lampung Province, South Sumatra is new and controversial geological evidence compared to the famous Archaean BIF’s deposits. This Tanggamus BIF occurs in magmatic arc of an active subduction zone and much younger in ...

126. Innovation technology using acoustic impedance modeling for reservoir characterization at tanjung oil field, barito basin, Southeast Kalimantan, Indonesia

Oleh: Rusalida Raguwanti;Arie Naskawan;Darwin Tangkalalo;Trisakti Kurniawan

Abstraksi : Tanjung field is Pertamina own operation area located to the north east of Barito basin, which is known as the largest basin in South Kalimantan (Figure 1). it was discovered in 1937 by shell with successfully exploration well T-001. recently, production performance is achieved up to 5200 BOPD from ...

127. Innovative G&G information management

Oleh: Imaduddin Alfajri

Abstraksi : With advance in digital technology, Geology and Geophysics (G&G) world also take advantage of this improvement. Analog paper based log and map almost become an old story and being replaced rapidly with digital format. Since the last few years G&G world especially in Oil and Gas industries have been ...

128. Integrated field development planning in a multilayer and heterogeneous "BKS" reservoir sand, the pungut oil field case study, Central Sumatra basin

Oleh: Rd. Rai Raya Barkah;A. Rudiyono;Hasyim M. Nur;Mark R Reinhold

Abstraksi : Pungut Field is located in the CPI Rokan block, Central Sumatra Basin, approximately 60 km northwest of Pekanbaru, Indonesia. The field was discovered in 1951 and to date 39 wells, both producers and injectors, have been drilled in Pungut structure. Oil is contained in the Miocene-age reservoirs of ...

129. Integrated ooip calculation using deterministic and probabilistic methods; case study in melawai sand, pigura field, Central Sumatra basin

Oleh: Ardi Nazamzi;Muhammad Afton

Abstraksi : Pigura field is one of PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia field located in Rokan PSC block, Riau province just above oil prolific Central Sumatra Basin (CSB). Major reservoir of this field is Melawai sand, which has average effective porosity (PHIE) 27% with Darcy permeability. More than 50% of total ...

130. Inversi pseudo-density untuk karakterisasi reservoir

Oleh: Angga Direzza;Bambang Mujihardi

Abstraksi : Tujuan utama seismik inversi adalah melakukan tranformasi data reflektivitas menjadi kuantitatif parameter fisika batuan, gambaran dari reservoir (Pendrel, 2001). Secara umum, ditujukan untuk menghitung log akustik impedansi (AI) pada setiap CMP. Disisi lain, AI tidak selalu spesifik dapat ...

131. Investigation of hydrothermal mineralization of gold prospect of cibodas area, Panggarangan, Lebak, Banten province

Oleh: Hersenanto CW;Hananto Kurnio

Abstraksi : The investigation area Cibobos, Panggarangan is a marine and coastal area contains potential economic mineral resources such as Au, Ag, Cu, Zn, Al, Mn and energy resource coal which are prepared to be developed and exploited. On the other hand, development of such minerals is facing some ...

132. Jatibarang formation based on seismic data

Oleh: Warto Utomo;Saifuddin;Asih Kurniati;M.Wira Hendi W.;Adi Susilo;Hazwardi

Abstraksi : This research aims to map and estimate volume of reservoir trap of volcanic rock at Jatibarang formation. The interpretation of seismic data consists of three phases, which are: data collecting and information relating to interpretation requirement, interpretation phase which consist the ...

133. Karakteristik dan optimasi telaga karst di gunung sewu, Yogyakarta

Oleh: S.B. Samodra;S.S. Suryono

Abstraksi : Di daerah karst Gunung Sewu terbentuk ratusan telaga dengan berbagai macam variasi dalam bentuk, ukuran dan lama waktu menyimpan air. Telaga karst tersebut berperanan penting bagi masyarakat di sekitarnya karena merupakan salah satu sumber utama air bagi masyarakat di daerah karst. Telaga ...

134. Karakteristik, peningkatan kualitas dan pemanfaatan endapan tufa zolitik daerah sidomulyo, kabupaten Gunung Kidul Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Oleh: Arifudin Idrus;Anastasia Dewi Titisari;Adi Praminta Kurniawan

Abstraksi : Endapan zeolit alam banyak di temukan berasosiasi dengan lapisan batuan sedimen volkanik yang banyak tersingkap di sepanjang tebing utara Pegunungan Selatan, Yogyakarta. Secara administratif lokasi penelitian tufa zeolitik terletak di dusun Sidomulyo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Propinsi ...

135. Kedalaman batuan keras perairan selat laut sebagai data awal untuk rencana pembangunan jembatan pulau laut - Kalimantan

Oleh: Noor C.D Aryanto;Y. Noviadi;Syaefudin

Abstraksi : Low fold coverage of seismic data usually happen at the beginning and the end of the seismic line, or in the area where the survey lines go through villages or river. In some cases, seismic lines was designed as small fold as possible in order to minimize the cost of acquisition. The effect of ...

136. Korelasi nilai perioda dominan H/V rasio mikrotremor terhadap tngkat kerusakan akibat goncangan gempabumi

Oleh: Marjiyono;A. Soehaimi;Y. Sofyan;GM. Luki

Abstraksi : Sebaran nilai perioda dominan H/V rasio mikrotremor di daerah Jogjakarta dan sekitarnya menunjukkan korelasi positif terhadap tingkat kerusakan bangunan akibat goncangan gampabumi 27 Mei 2006 di wilayah itu. Daerah dengan perioda dominan besar bersesuaian dengan daerah tingkat kerusakan tinggi. ...

137. Landslide susceptibility analysis after the may 2006 earthquake around pleret and pundong, Bantul regency, Yogyakarta

Oleh: Wiyarti Wardhani;Efriyansyah;Ahmad Junaidi;Dwikorita Karnawati

Abstraksi : The earthquake of Yogyakarta on last May 27th 2006 with a magnitude 5.9 Richter scale has destroyed hundreds of thousand building along Yogyakarta and part of Central Java which had horrifying effect that caused more than 6000 peoples died. The earthquake has also caused several landslides and ...

138. LMR inversion method for fluid and lithology identification of kotabatak pilot area central sumatera basin

Oleh: Kuntadi Sutyarsa;Hendarmin;Widdya Rahmi;Tafsillison;Ibnu Arif;Agus Susianto

Abstraksi : The seismic responses to hydrocarbon accumulation had widely used for predicting lithology and fluid properties in the subsurface. New reservoir characterization methods are challenged to developed new way for lithology and fluid identification as finding new hydrocarbons reservoir is getting ...

139. Magnetic evolution of the dieng volcano complex, Central Java

Oleh: Haryo Edi Wibowo

Abstraksi : The Dieng volcanic complex (DVC) that is situated in Central Java, consists of many volcanic edifices inside and around the caldera structure representing a series of island arc magmatism activities. Radiometric dating reveal that the activities take place from 3.60 Ma to 0.06 Ma or from Pliocene ...

140. Managing core sampling bias in resource modelling at batu hijau porphyry copper gold deposit

Oleh: Johan Arif;Nugraha Jakamartana;Wawan Hermawan;Koko Suhanto

Abstraksi : Batu Hijau is a copper-gold mining operated by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, a joint venture between Newmont Mining Corporation (45%), Sumitomo Corporation (35%) and PT Pukuafu Indah (20%). Project to date, the core generated exploration block model has underpredicted the blasthole generated ...

141. Megascale paleo-landslide at parangtritis, as deduced from geological and geophysical data

Oleh: Salahuddin Husein;Ignatius Sudarno;Asep Nugraha

Abstraksi : At the southern tip of the Baturagung Range, in the proximity of Parangtritis Beach, Yogyakarta, a megascale paleo-landslide had occurred and moved southward, leaving a significant landform. The topography of 2.7 km length and 1.5 km width is bounded by two parallel and extending ...

142. Mikrozonasi sumatera barat sebagai langkah mitigasi gempabumi

Oleh: Devy Kamil Syahbana;Gede Suantika;Baheramsyah Indra;Heru Pamungkas;Gangsar Turjono

Abstraksi : Kejadian gempabumi tektonik di Sumatera Barat pada 6 Maret 2007 menelan korban jiwa dan kerusakan bangunan di beberapa wilayah. Tingkat kerusakan yang tidak sama menunjukkan besarnya penguatan goncangan/amplifikasi gempabumi tidak sama di setiap wilayah. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penyelidikan ...

143. Mineralization system of the iron ore deposits in bontocani district and its adjacent bone regency, South Sulawesi province

Oleh: Bambang Nugroho Widi;Bambang Pardiarto;Mulyana

Abstraksi : The genesis of primary iron ore mineralization in Bontocani district (Tanjung and Pakke area), Sub Regency of Bontocani – Kahu is an interesting mineralization to be studied especially related to mineralization type of those areas. The interesting one of both areas is by discovering a number ...

144. Model sebaran endapan bijih besi menggunakan metode tahanan jenis

Oleh: Widodo;Budi S;Komang A

Abstraksi : Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penyebaran endapan bijih besi di daerah Ciemas Sukabumi Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode geolistrik tahanan jenis 2 D yang dikorelasikan dengan data test pit. Hasil penelitian diketahui endapan besi merupakan suatu endapan yang terbentuk dari ...

145. Morphometric analysis of cinder cones degradation bajawa area, Flores, Indonesia: an alternative age dating in the volcanic complex

Oleh: I G.B. Eddy Sucipta;Isao Takashima

Abstraksi : Bajawa Cinder Cone Complex is named numerous cinder cones in the Bajawa area, Flores, Indonesia. This cinder cones can be recognized on the remote sensing geology such as SAR imagery and aerial photograph. There are 78 cinder cones in Bajawa Cinder Cone Complex and they are distributed in ...

146. Net sand determination / facies modeling for development geological study (lirik field as lesson learning with 3d application software)

Oleh: Pande Made Oka Iriana;Okky Pahlevi

Abstraksi : The Lirik Field is located in Japura Block, Central Sumatera Basin, 145 km to the southeast of Pakanbaru and 195 km to the northwest of Jambi. Geologically the Lirik Field is one of structures in Japura complex. This field was discovered in 1972 and the cummulative production at the end of 2006 ...

147. New information from seismic attenuation tomography: application to guntur volcano

Oleh: Sri Widiyantoro;Awali Priyono;Gede Suantika;Evandi S. Tambunan;Andi M. Adiwiarta

Abstraksi : Travel time tomography has become a standard seismological tool for investigating the velocity structure of large tectonic features and volcanoes. More recently, there has been developments in using attenuation tomography (3D mapping of amplitude decay of seismic waves) to gain more ...

148. Noise analyze methode at seismic data acquisition survey in kepuh area, West Java

Oleh: Azman;Edward;Imam Setiadji

Abstraksi : Survey seismic 2D Kepuh Jawa Barat merupakan survey yang banyak melewati daerah potensial noise, misalnya daerah perkampungan, kota, jalan raya dan tegangan listrik. Problem noise didaerah survey merupakan masalah penting yang harus diatasi yaitu dengan cara menemukan suatu metode yang dapat ...

149. Opal from java, Indonesia and its varieties

Oleh: Sujatmiko;H. C. Einfalt;U. Henn

Abstraksi : Since the early 1970s, opal has been mined in the western part of Java from a strongly altered pumice layer within a Late Tertiary volcanoclastic sequence. All together, about 100 small-scale miners are involved in the mining of opal from small underground workings. Mining occurs during the dry ...

150. Optimizing recoverable oil and gas production by applying advanced seismic technology: a case study of carbonate reservoirs in gunung kembnag field, South Sumatra

Oleh: Y. Yanto;T. Febriwan

Abstraksi : Gunung Kembang carbonate reservoir is a challenging field, with its low recovery factor, very thin oil column, but large gas cap and moderate aquifer support. Gunung Kembang carbonate facies and sequence have been identified from core description and from well correlation from the latest ...

151. Paleogenegrafi daerah Cilacap, Jawa Tengah

Oleh: Praptisih;Yahdi Zaim

Abstraksi : Studied Area is situated in Cilacap District, is a bay with the rapid development on the settlement, industries, harbor and an agricultulture. The study of stratigraphy sedimentology/granulometry and paleontology carried out on the Quaternary sediment samples taken from 9 bore holes with the ...

152. Paradigma baru dalam optimasi aplikasi metoda CRS stack di Indonesia: Studi kasus di laut natuna dan Kalimantan Timur

Oleh: Asep Hendriana R;Indro Purwaman H;M. Kusuma Utama

Abstraksi : Analisa kecepatan dengan metoda yang selama ini dilakukan di pusat pengolahan data seismik untuk koreksi NMO/DMO, perlahan tapi pasti ternyata tidak perlu dilakukan lagi apabila menggunakan metoda CRS stack. Berawal dari metoda "macro-model independent zero-offset imaging"yang ...

153. Passive seismic

Oleh: Ernst D. Rode

Abstraksi : Geospectra IPDS (Infrasonic Passive Differential Spectroscopy) is a technology for direct detection of hydrocarbons applied in exploration, field development and field monitoring. Geospectra IPDS technique is based on the principles of non-linear behavior of fluid systems in porous media. ...

154. Pemnafaatan dan risiko keberadaan kandungan gas dangkal dalam sedimen dasar laut, perairan pamekasan dan Sumenep selat Madura

Oleh: Asep Faturachman;L. Arifin;D. Kusnida

Abstraksi : Keberadaan kandungan gas dangkal dalam sedimen dasar laut di Perairan Pamekasan dan Sumenep, Selat Madura, bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai potensi cadangan energi alternatif di masa depan dengan cara sistim gassifikasi untuk penduduk kawasan pesisir sekitarnya, di negara China gas biogenik ...

155. Pemodelan 3-dimensi pengaruh variasi kadar air terhadap respons georadar menggunakan antena bow-tie

Oleh: Wahyudi W. Parnadi;Irene T. Wiati;Eddy Ibrahim;Iskandar S. A.

Abstraksi : Pada dasarnya terdapat 2 kegunaan dalam pemodelan, yaitu 1) sebagai alat bantu dalam penafsiran kondisi bawah permukaan melalui model yang semua parameternya dapat dikontrol, dan 2) sebagai masukan dalam perancangan alat yang digunakan untuk memperoleh response yang dikehendaki.. Dalam makalah ini ...

156. Pemodelan top basement dan top moho daerah Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya berdasarkan waktu tempuh gelombang P menggunakan sumber gempa dari arah Utara

Oleh: Ronald

Abstraksi : A seismic study and modeling had been completed employing P-wave travel time to determine the depth of top basement and top Moho. Seismic source were derived from three earthquake events of 63 km – 93 km. The earthquake sources located north part of observed area and were recorded by 12 ...

157. Pendekatan new carbonate well log untuk penentuan tipe porositas dan eksponen sementasi studi kasus: formasi parigi, sumur YS-14 "lapangan oclya" cekungan Jawa Barat Utara

Oleh: Julianta Parlindungan Panjaitan;Bambang Djoko Sugihartoko

Abstraksi : Kualitas reservoar dalam batuan karbonat ditentukan oleh tekstur pengendapan, mineralogi dan proses diagenesis yang terjadi. Ketiga hal tersebut sangat berkaitan erat. Keterkaitan tiga hal tersebut menyebabkan karakter reservoir batuan karbonat menjadi sangat kompleks. Perubahan relatif muka ...

158. Penelitian geologi teknik kelautan untuk rencana pembnagunan dermaga kalijaga Cirebon, Propinsi Jawa Barat

Oleh: Purnomo Raharjo;Kris Budiono

Abstraksi : Dalam rangka pembangunan sebuah dermaga, diperlukan penelitian mengenai geologi kawasan pesisir dan kondisi laut dangkal, sifat keteknikan sedimen laut Kuarter, dan oseanografi. Penelitian ini lebih difokuskan dalam mengaplikasikan data geologi teknik untuk menganalisis kemungkinan ...

159. Penentuan posisi hiposenter gempabumi dengan menggunakan metoda guided grid search dan model struktur kecepatan tiga dimensi

Oleh: Hendro Nugroho;Sri Widiyantoro;Gunawan Ibrahim

Abstraksi : Salah satu penelitian ilmu kebumian yang perlu dilakukan untuk membantu upaya mitigasi bencana kebumian adalah menentukan hiposenter gempabumi dengan presisi tinggi. Hal ini dikarenakan keheterogenitasan materi bumi yang dilewati gelombang gempa dari hiposenter ke stasiun pencatat. Oleh karena ...

160. Pengukuran emisi CO2 secara telemetri di pegunungan dieng dengan pengiriman data berbasis short message services (SMS): sebagai kontribusi sistem mitigasi bencana geologi

Oleh: Hanik H;Agus S;Anton S;Juliani Dj

Abstraksi : Fenomena keluarnya gas CO2 Dieng merupakan hal yang sudah dikenal karena banyaknya korban akibat emisi gas tersebut. Sehingga pengukuran emisi gas tersebut sebagai kontribusi sistem mitigasi bencana geologi sangat diperlukan. Sistem pengukuran gas CO2 dilakukan secara kontinyu dengan ...

161. Penyebab longsor di desa tanjungsari, kecamatan windusari, kabupaten magelang, Propinsi Jawa Tengah

Oleh: Gayatri Indah Marliyani;Arie Prasojo;Aditya Ari Marindra;Dwikorita Karnawati

Abstraksi : Longsor terjadi di tebing Gunung Segebrug, Desa Tanjungsari, Kecamatan Windusari, Kabupaten Magelang, Propinsi Jawa Tengah pada hari Minggu tanggal 18 Februari 2007 Bencana ini menimbulkan korban jiwa sebanyak 10 orang tewas dan 8 orang lainnya luka. Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Fakultas ...

162. Permo triassic magmatic arc and back arc basins of gondwana land with refference of eastern Indonesia, Papua new guinea and Eastern Australia

Oleh: Amiruddin;S. Andimangga

Abstraksi : Several Permian to Triassic granitoid plutons and volcanic rocks are exposed in Eastern Indonesia (EI), PAPUA New Guinea (PNG) and Eastern Australia (EA). These rocks form a belt extending from Banggai Sula in the west through Bird Head, Bird Neck and Central Range (Irian Jaya) to ...

163. Perubahan data tilt untuk estimasi suplay magma gunung kelut

Oleh: Nurnaning A.;Agus S.;Anton S.;Nurudin

Abstraksi : Melalui penerapan model mogi telah dilakukan estimasi suplay volume magma G. Kelut. Data merupakan data primer yang diperoleh dari pemasangan tiltmeter tipe 800 platform pada jarak sekitar 200 meter darikawah aktif dengan posisi koordinat stasiun 07056’18,9” LS dan 112018’15,4”BT. ...

164. Petroleum system and sub basin distribution in tanjung block, barito basin, South Kalimantan

Oleh: Gonata Pranajaya;Raden Idris;Maikel Arifin;Moh Imron

Abstraksi : Barito Basin is a potential hydrocarbon basin in Indonesia. Petroleum system which has developed within the basin is still one interesting case for the people who work in the oil industry regarding to the fact that Barito Basin has a large dimension, but it is not suitable with the fields ...

165. Petroleum system assessment of the South East Java basin: an integrated approach to reveal the hydrocarbon potential

Oleh: Mohamad Wahyudin;Totong K Usman;Syamsu Alam

Abstraksi : The South East Java Basin (SEJB) located in Southern Java Island. This basin is bordered by Southern Mountain and Kendeng Trough Zone to the north and the subduction zone to the south. Currently, The South East Java Basin (SEJB) was constituted part of the fore-arc basin and the undiscovered ...

166. Precursory deformation data during the 2006 merapi eruption, as a decisive parameter for determining the activity in eruption phase

Oleh: Subandriyo;Agus Budi Santoso

Abstraksi : The 2006 Merapi eruption has change in direction from southwest sector (since eruption in year 1961) to south east by opening crater face to Gendol valley. Indication of direction change was showed by asymmetric the deformation field, where its much stronger to south east rather than other ...

167. Prediksi aktivitas dan periodisitas gempabumi di zona subduksi jawa dengan metode berbasis wavelet

Oleh: Supriyanyo Rohadi;Hendra Grandis;Mezak A. Ratag

Abstraksi : Pada beberapa paper yang telah dipublikasikan melaporkan adanya periodisitas gempabumi pada daerah gempa tertentu hasil dari analisis katalog gempabumi. Katalog gempabumi biasanya merupakan deret waktu magnitude dengan step waktu tidak konstan sehingga untuk analisis periodisitas ...

168. Prestack intercept & gradient scaling to the modeled synthetic an example from heidrun field, North sea

Oleh: Nguyen Nam

Abstraksi : Calibration is the key to successful amplitude vs. offset (AVO) analys is to identify fluid and lithology changes using prestack seismic data. A common AVO cr ossplot shows the attributes of “intercept” and “gradient” help to separate different lithologies and/or fluids. To move from ...

169. Provenance and diagnesis of the eocene tanjung sandstone in the kualakurun area, Central Kalimantan

Oleh: R. Heryanto;U. Margono

Abstraksi : Kualakurun area is located in the western margin of Tertiary Barito Basin. The basin was filled by the Eocene Tanjung Formation consisting of conglomerate and sandstone in the lower part, mudstone with interbedded coal seam in the middle part, and sandstones in the upper part. The sandstone ...

170. Rainfall effect on slope stability using (sinmap) for landslides susceptibility mapping at balik pulau, pulau pinang, Malaysia

Oleh: M.S. Adnan;I. Abustan;M. Ismail;Hendrayana. H

Abstraksi : The purpose of this paper is to produce the susceptibility map of Balik Pulau area in order to access the potential and/or prone area to landslide. Has been located in the western part of Pulau Pinang, is an area prone with tourism development and activities. The importance of this area is ...

171. Relationshop between magnetite-ilmenite series and porphyry copper-tin metallogenic province of Sumtra islands - with special aspects of sibolga and Bangka granitoid complex

Oleh: A.S. Subandrio;Gatzweiler R.;Friedrich G

Abstraksi : The Sibolga granitoid plutons which covers an area of 50 x 50 square kilometers is located along the west coast of North Sumatra. The main intrusive body is a megacrystic coarse grained biotite granite containing abudant xenoliths of amphibolite, and is cross cut by medium grained hornblende ...

172. Reservoir characterization in karangbaru field using simultaneous inversion

Oleh: Mualimin;Arif Prasetyo H;Rizaq Faidul H

Abstraksi : Karangbaru Field is exploration field with respect to hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation, with 2 wells drilled to date. The fields has potential for additional gas reserves, although in more subtle traps with high risk. The methodology integrates several processes-from seismic data ...

173. Reservoir description and dynamics flow characterization of baturaja carbonate reservoir using chemical interwell tracer survey in tambun field

Oleh: Andri Hari bowo;Susan Syahdina

Abstraksi : Tracer surveys have been used successfully on many occasions to determine flow characteristics of water injection in reservoir systems throughout the world. Data from these projects has been used to monitor and assess various flow parameters. Although computer simulation models of reservoir ...

174. Reservoir karbonat formasi batu raja dan strategy pengembangannya struktur pondok tengah Jawa Barat

Oleh: Adi FM Ringoringo;Wisnu Hindadari;Joko Padmono;Artini;Astri Pujianto

Abstraksi : Proyek Pengembangan Pondok Tengah berencana untuk melakukan pemboran 44 sumur selama dua tahun. Untuk menunjang rencana tersebut perlu pemelajaran G&G yang akurat agar tercapai hasil yang optimum. Geologi Pondok Tengah tersusun oleh reservoir karbonat formasi Batu Raja (BRF) yang tersebar ...

175. Revisi biostratigrafi nanoplangton miosen awal bagian bawah (zona NN1 - NN2) di cekungan Jawa Timur Utara

Oleh: Panuju;Rubiyanto Kapid

Abstraksi : Sedimen berumur Miosen Awal bagian bawah merupakan lapisan penting bagi kegiatan eksplorasi hidrokarbon di Cekungan Jawa Timur Utara. Hal ini berdampak pada kebutuhan akan bagan biostratigrafi yang lebih rinci pada umur tersebut agar korelasi skala reservoar dapat dilakukan secara lebih teliti ...

176. Revision of the late miocene nannoplankton biostratigraphy for kutei basin

Oleh: Panuju;Imam Prayitno;Ginanjar Rahmat;Iskandar Firdaus;Ganang Sunardyanto

Abstraksi : Lithological complexity and intense hydrocarbon exploration with the objective of Late Miocene sediments in Kutei Basin has provided the impetus for more refined Late Miocene nannoplankton zonation than the standard global schemes of Martini (1971). Investigation to the ...

177. Rock physics analysis for feasibilty of avo and inversion studies: a tool for exploration strategy in jabung block

Oleh: Woro Sutjiningsih;M. Noor Alamsyah;Lambok P. Marpaung;I Nyoman Suta;Tigor Siagian;Ari Subekti

Abstraksi : Jabung Block, in the northern edge of the South Sumatra Basin, actively explored since 1993 and currently operated by PetroChina. More than 200 wells have been drilled, producing average of 60,000 BOEPD from multiple different reservoirs. The present block boundary remains 20% (1642 sqkms) of ...

178. Rockfall hazard around rinjani volcano with a special reference to sembalun area

Oleh: Didi S. Agustawijaya

Abstraksi : Rinjani Volcano is one of active volcanoes around Indonesia Archipelago, which is known as a part of Ring of Fire. Rinjani volcano has erupted two times that created a huge lake of caldera on the summit of the volcano. The eruption has produced a great deal of rocks around the volcano, ...

179. Searching for "proven reserves" of oil in big cities

Oleh: Salis S. Aprilian

Abstraksi : Indonesia is becoming a net oil importer country when the rate of oil production is stepping down continuously while the oil consumption is getting higher. The government is then trying to pump the production up. However, by increasing the production without any finding new oil will destruct ...

180. Sedimentary environment of sampolakosa formation at gonda baru subdistrict sorawolio, Bau-bau Southeast Sulawesi

Oleh: Budi Rochmanto;Laode M. Adam

Abstraksi : The research was carried out to examine the age and the sedimentary environment of Sampolakosa Formation at Gonda Baru subdistrict Sorawolio Bau-Bau. Measuring section has been done 250 meters along the outcrop. The measuring section has already been done on the outcrops. The ...

181. Seismic attributes for reservoir characterization to determine sand reservoir in X field tarakan basin east Kalimantan

Oleh: Warto Utomo;Feriyanto;Adi Susilo

Abstraksi : Seismic attributes analysis has been done at X field, in Tarakan Basin, East Kalimantan. X field is an oil and gas area, where the reservoir is sandstone, located in Tarakan Formation. The purpose of the seismic attributes analysis is to characterize the amplitude and phase anomaly to find ...

182. Seismic data analysis with matching pursuit decomposition

Oleh: Fariz Febianto;Leonard Lisapaly

Abstraksi : Many methods have been applied to seismic data in the reservoir characterization. Spectral decomposition has been applied to 3D seismic data interpretation include enhanced resolution, improved visualization of stratigraphic features, thickness estimation for thin beds, noise suppression, and ...

183. Seismic imaging in grid computing

Oleh: Amri Widyatmoko;AM Ustad

Abstraksi : Grid computing offers a model for solving massive computational problems by making use of the unused resources (CPU cycles and/or disk storage) of large numbers of disparate computers and heterogeneous platform, often desktop computers, treated as a virtual cluster embedded in a distributed ...

184. Seismic multi-attribute analysis for reservoir characterization: minas NW segment case

Oleh: Wahyu Setiawan;Tafsillison;Hendarmin

Abstraksi : Minas North West Segment (NWS), such as Minas field, has been known as a complex fluvial deltaic system which has had sand and shale heterogeneity both in lateral and vertical distribution. As a mature field, Minas NWS need more effort in order to optimize and to preserve current oil ...

185. Seismic value of information from the reacquisition projects in mature fields, Central Sumatera basin

Oleh: Adi Widyantoro

Abstraksi : Quantifications of the seismic value of information in mature fields have become common practices in Central Sumatera Basin operations. Such efforts were economically intensive similar to the ones of proposing new wells to the company management and the Government of Indonesia. The overall ...

186. Seismotektonik, makro dan mikro zonasi kerentanan bahaya gempabumi wilayah Sumatera Barat sebagai data dasar pembangunan berwawasan bencana gempabumi

Oleh: A.Soehaimi. Sukahar Eka;Yayan Sopyan;Marjiono

Abstraksi : Propinsi Sumatera Barat, dikontrol oleh tiga lajur potensi sumber gempabumi yakni lajur seismotektonik tunjaman barat Sumatera, lajur seismotektonik prisma akrasi Mentawai dan lajur seismotektonik sesar aktif Sumatera. Lajur-lajur seismotektonik utama tersebut mempunyai sejarah kegempaan ...

187. Self-potential study for laboratory measurements of electrokinetic potentetial from fluid flow in porous media

Oleh: M. Hamzah;S. Djoko;W.P. Wahyudi;B. Sulistijo

Abstraksi : Self-potential is potential difference of parameters generated by various of physical properties of subsurface. For example by fluid flow, salinity, hydrolic conductivity, pH, and temperature. This research is focused on self-potential study generated potential by electrokinetic. Electrokinetic ...

188. Simulating 19 reservoir fluids to obtain the reservoir fluid characteristic and the reservoir performance

Oleh: Putu Suarsana;Eko Sri Wibowo

Abstraksi : PVT data are essential in reservoir engineering calculations, such original oil in place, flow rate, displacement performance, and predicting the reservoir performance during depletion. It is important to obtain reservoir fluid samples in order to determine PVT properties or PVT data. ...

189. Sinistral strike-slip fault along kendeng zone, outcrop data from alas kobong area, central java

Oleh: Ferian Anggara;Subagyo Pramumijoyo

Abstraksi : A structural geology research was conducted at Alas Kobong area, District of Sumberlawang, Sragen, Central Java as a part of West Kendeng Zone. In this area, numerous fold and fault outcrops were found at Kerek Formation. The aim of this research is to construct the relationship between ...

190. Small fleet mining ultization to increase mine recovery of nickel laterite

Oleh: Rizal M Baslang;Mercy Balebu;Agus Margana

Abstraksi : The nickel laterite ore profile is very irregular which resulting big chance of ore dilution during mining. Small fleet utilization is the last stage of mining in areas PT INCO after big fleet cannot operate efficiently; the purpose of small fleet utilization is to reduce dilution and increasing ...

191. Some changes on engineering properties of subang claystones due to weathering

Oleh: Imam A. Sadisun

Abstraksi : On account of deterioration characteristics of Subang claystone, the method applied for identifying the development of degree of weathering is specific, i.e. development of platy fracture and discoloration index within the rock. With a descriptive system, each degree of weathering of the ...

192. Status kawasan berdasarkan studi geologi lingkungan pada daerah potensi cadangan minyak dan gas bumi pesisir utara pulau jawa dalam tata ruang

Oleh: Alwin Darmawan;Andiani;Indra Badri

Abstraksi : One of gevernment policy in energy sector is optimalization oil in existing exploitation area. Several exploitation area located in the north of Jawa island. Recently this area grow as urbanized area, which is rural area tend growth in to urban area. In tehe future, exploitation in these area ...

193. Stratigrafi foraminifera kelompok rotalia dari sumur CKR-1, cekungan Jawa Barat Utara

Oleh: Abdul Kholiq

Abstraksi : Kisaran stratigrafi sembilan spesies foraminifera bentonik kelompok Rotalia dari Sumur CKR-1 secara keseluruhan berkisar dari Miosen Awal sampai Pleistosen dan atau lebih muda. Satu spesies ditemukan pada Formasi Baturaja dan Cibulakan, satu spesies pada Formasi Cibulakan dan tujuh spesies ...

194. Stratigrafi formasi semilir bagian atas di dusun boyo, desa ngalang, kecamatan gedang sari, kabupaten Gunung Kidul, DIY: pertimbangan untuk penamaan anggota buyutan

Oleh: Moch. Indra Novian;Priantoro Kartika Dani Setiawan;Salahuddin Hussein

Abstraksi : Formasi Semilir sebagai salah satu formasi yang menyusun daerah Pegunungan Selatan bagian barat telah banyak dikenal dan diteliti. Penelitian-penelitian yang ada mengungkapkan batuan penyusun Formasi Semilir ini terdiri dari satuan batuan tufa, breksi pumis, dengan sisipan batulempung dan ...

195. Strike-slip faulting and collisional delamination in the central range of West Papua, Indonesia

Oleh: Benyamin Sapiie

Abstraksi : Most of the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the New Guinea region is the result of obliquely convergent motion that led to an arc-continent collision between the Pacific and Australian plates. The Central Range is commonly described as a fold-and-thrust belt, as spectacular folding is evident on ...

196. Struktur geologi berdasarkan analisa gayaberat kaitannya terhadap prospek geothermal daerah ruteng, Flores

Oleh: Tatang Padmawidjaja;Hesty Sampeliling;M. Ervan

Abstraksi : Potensi panas bumi di daerah Flores belum terungkap secara optimal, namun secara lokal telah dilakukan explorasi pada dua lokasi yaitu Bajawa dan Ulumbu yang akan digunakan sebagai pembangkit tenaga panas bumi dengan daya terpasang masing-masing 2.5 mW. Namun pada dasarnya diperlukan perluasan ...

197. Studi detail foraminifera bentonik besar di formasi baturaja

Oleh: Moh. Taufiq

Abstraksi : Studi detail foraminifera bentonik besar dari 3 sumur terpilih di cekungan Jawa Barat Utara memperlihatkan biostratigrafi setempat sebagai terumbu. Paper ini membahas Formasi Baturaja yang dibagi menjadi 7 ecozone berdasarkan kumpulan foraminifera bentonik besar. Batas ecozone dikalibrasi ...

198. Studi dinamika fluida reservoir geotermal menggunakan metode gayaberat mikro 4D (studi kasus: lapangan panasbumi kamojang Jawa Barat)

Oleh: S. Minardi;A. Zaenudin;M. Sarkowi;W.G.A Kadir;D. Santoso;I. Raharjo

Abstraksi : Application of microgravity survey by measuring gravity change in time had been used extensively in many fields. The major causes of gravity change are mass change in reservoir (subsurface) and vertical ground movement (subsidence). While the observed gravity change, called as time-lapse ...

199. Studi geofisika terintegrasi untuk identifikasi struktur bawah permukaan di daerah piyungan, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Oleh: Salwan Suheri;Faturrahmadani Hidayat;Firman Hakim;S. Renna Ertanti

Abstraksi : Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta merupakan daerah yang memiliki struktur geologi yang kompleks. Di daerah ini terdapat sesar Opak yang berada di sepanjang sungai Opak dari pantai selatan sampai Prambanan. Untuk mengetahui struktur bawah permukaan di daerah ini, khususnya di Kecamatan Piyungan, Bantul, ...

200. Studi kecepatan arus dan sedimen di muara sungai kuaro teluk adang, Kalimantan Timur

Oleh: Evie H. Sudjono;Lukman Arifin

Abstraksi : Pengukuran kecepatan arus dilakukan untuk mengetahui pola kecepatan dan arah arus secara umum. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan dua metoda, yaitu Lagrangian dan Eulerian. Pada metoda Lagrangian, dilakukan pengukuran jejak arus dengan mencatat koordinat float tracking (jejak) arus terhadap waktu. ...

201. Studi mineralisasi emas daerah bunikasih, Pangalengan, Jawa Barat

Oleh: Albertus Ditya;Rachmat Utomo

Abstraksi : Makalah ini adalah hasil penelitian selama ekskursi yang kami laksanakan pada tanggal 22 April 2007. Eksplorasi terhadap mineral-mineral seperti emas dan perak memegang peranan yang sangat penting bagi dunia pertambangan. Bunikasih adalah salah satu tempat mineralisasi emas di pedalaman ...

202. Studi sikuenstratigrafi endaoan miosen tengah pada formasi sentolo bagian bawah di kali tretes, Kecamatan giri mulyo, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Oleh: Pontjomojono Kundanurdoro;Bambang Triwibowo;Ediyanto

Abstraksi : Kajian biostratigrafi dan lithostratigrafi di Sentolo, telah banyak dilakukan, namun studi dalam kerangka sikuenstratigrafi belum pernah dilakukan, khususnya sikuen yang berdasarkan satuan genesa dan distribusi Foraminifera plankton dan bentos. Hal tersebut mendorong penulis untuk melakukan ...

203. Study trace fossil at sambipitu formation in nglipar area

Oleh: Hita Pandita;Setyo Pambudi

Abstraksi : Study trace fossils have been develop in abroad, and it used at many application. Trace fossil has studied by sedimentologist and paleontologist. This study is aim to understand trace fossils at Sambipitu Formation in Nglipar Area. The understanding of trace fossil in this area will give some ...

204. Sub surface representations patents, problem and potential

Oleh: Stephen Tyson;C.Math

Abstraksi : Since geocellular modeling was first introduced into the geoscience armoury in the late 80’s it has become a ubiquitous tool. Once the domain of those large companies with supercomputers or high performance workstations, the software and computing power have both advanced so that geocellular ...

205. Subsurface uncertainties of a deepwater field: an example from kutai basin East Kalimantan

Oleh: Sena W. Reksalegora;I.N. Widya Dharmasamadhi;Aig Imouokhome;Craig Barker

Abstraksi : Understanding subsurface uncertainties is essential in developing a field from a discovery. This is even more critical for a deepwater discovery since the consequences of failure is very high. This paper will discuss subsurface uncertainties and challenges from one of the deepwater discoveries ...

206. Sucsurface heat anomalies and shallow gas escapes at gedangsari, gunungkidul, Yogyakarta: a natural phenomenon triggered by 27 may 2006 earthquake induced rockslide

Oleh: Salahuddin Husein;Sarju Winardi;Moch. Indra Novian;Akmaluddin;Priantoro Kartika Dani Setiawan;Gatot Dwi Jayanto

Abstraksi : The 27th May 2006 earthquake of 5.9 Richter scale has created hundreds of landslides along the flanks of the Baturagung Range which bordered the Yogyakarta Lowland to the west and the Wonosari Plateau to the east. One of the landslide events occurred at Dusun Buyutan, Desa Ngalang, Kecamatan ...

207. Telisa opportunities in Central Sumatra basin

Oleh: Yarmanto;Hendra Suhendar;Ibnu Arief;Habash Semimbar

Abstraksi : Telisa regionally was deposited all over Central Sumatra Basin covering more than 10000 square kilometer area during Early to Mid Miocene. The formation consists of mainly shale and laminated sandstone. The sand in general is poor to medium quality glauconitic sandstone. Original exploration ...

208. The 2006 eruption of merapi, petrography and geochemistry of the june 14, 2006 pyroclastic flows

Oleh: Supriyati Andreastuti;John Pallister;Chris Newhall

Abstraksi : reached the steeply dipping southwest margin of the summit on 12 May, 2006 and collapsed. Subsequent collapses eroded into the more gently-dipping core of the dome as it was fed by fresh magma from a central vent. This suggests that later-erupted lava was less degassed (more pressurized) and ...

209. The effect of ductile components and clays of shaly sandstone on reservoir quality reduction

Oleh: Junita Trivianty Musu;Bambang Widarsono

Abstraksi : Ductile components including rock fragments, clay, and matrix material are often considered as the most important factors that control quality of shaly sandstones, which are usually characterized by low porosity and permeability. In presence of ductile components, the degree of quality ...

210. The existance of mineral gold deposit zone using induced polarization method at muara manderas, Jambi

Oleh: Feisal Dirgantara;Joko Hariyadi

Abstraksi : A geophysical survey using induced polarization method was carried out in Muara Manderas, Jambi. This research aimed to determine the existence of mineral gold deposit of the research area based on induced polarization data analysis. Data acquired using IP Yokohama LF 82 receiver-transmitter ...

211. The identification of characteristics of the run up were based on magnitude and distance from epicenter to run up in Indonesia

Oleh: M. Irfan Mashudi;Joko Wiyono;Sudiro Tri Prihanto;Wiyono;Ariska Rudyanto

Abstraksi : The correlation among run up with magnitude and distance from epicenter to run up research were done to know characteristics of the run up were based on magnitude and distance from epicenter to run up, characteristics of tsunamigenic earthquakes in Indonesia, and dangerous level of zone toward ...

212. The low-cost monitoring system for landslide and volcano with digital photogrammetry

Oleh: Catur Aries Rokhmana

Abstraksi : Indonesia is one of the countries that cannot escape from the geohazard. So, monitoring system is one of the important activities to reduce the victims. The challenge is how to make the low-cost monitoring system that suitable for Indonesia. This paper focus on the landslide and the volcano ...

213. The morphic field and its implications to geosciences and organizations

Oleh: Suprajitno Munadi

Abstraksi : The new development in science postulates that universe is nothing but a vibration of energy. Matter is nothing but a vortex of energy. If matter is removed, then space and time will disappear. Space and time do not exist independently in the universe, they are created by movement. During the ...

214. The palaeozoic continental rudaceous rock in East Johor

Oleh: Sugeng S Surjono;Mohd. Shafeea Leman;Kamal Roslan Mohamed;Che Aziz Ali

Abstraksi : Rudaceous rocks in East Johor are found in the separately three formations that are the Murau, Tanjung Leman and Linggiu Formations. The Murau Formation is characterized by cobble to boulder grained breccia with very angular to angular and disorganized clasts. It was deposited by fan-delta ...

215. The role of geologist to support geotourism frograme in west Nusa Tenggara Provibce

Oleh: Heryadi Rachmat

Abstraksi : West Nusa Tenggara Province comprising of Lombok and Sumbawa Islands has potential geological resources to be developed as a nature tourism destination. In view of potential nature tourism, the provincial vision in tourism industry is ‘Islands with Thousands Charms’. It is expected that the ...

216. Tinjauan sensitivitas metode CSAMT terhadap stratigrafi bawah permukaan: aplikasi terhadap cekungan Yogyakarta di daerah Bantul

Oleh: Asep Nugraha;Salahuddin Husein;Mochamad Nukman

Abstraksi : Metode Controlled Source Audio-frequency Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) merupakan salah satu metode eksplorasi geofisika dengan menggunakan sistem induksi elektromagnetik untuk mengetahui nilai resistivitas batuan bawah permukaan bumi. Pengambilan data dengan metode CSAMT mampu menembus kedalaman >1 ...

217. Uncertainty analysis of duri X' sand volumetric using design of experiments

Oleh: Mulyadi;Wikan W.;Steven J.

Abstraksi : The X’ Sand is an undeveloped zone in an existing steamflood operation in Sumatera, Indonesia. This sand, at an average depth of about 300 feet, is the shallowest significant hydrocarbon-bearing zone in the field. Cumulative production of more than 2 Billion Bbls from existing reservoirs in ...

218. Volcanic hazard analysis for proposed nuclear power plant siting in central java, Indonesia: a possibility for magmatic eruption in the future

Oleh: P. Sumintadiredja;M.L. Tobing;B. Wibowo;I G.B. Eddy Sucipta;M. Nurhasanudin;H. Wibowo

Abstraksi : In the next 20 years Java Island would experience shortage of electricity if the Indonesian government does not prepare to build a nuclear power plant. Although, there are other sources of electric energy for power utility which uses fuels, coal, hydro or geothermal sources, nuclear power plant ...

219. Work floor unit (WFU) for well service in depleted & in mature field

Oleh: Bambang Sadarta;Hariadi M Hasyim;Rien Hartono;Syamsuar Syarif;Hendarto;Dian Nur Cahyono

Abstraksi : Wonocolo is a place where 36 oil wells are operated by local people. Some of them are produced using traditional method. They lift the oil from the well using chamber that pulled by human. The operation is safe although there is no pressure security device. The well is in a safe condition due ...

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